
BASIC cyclewear is an established
brand in professional cycling clothing.


The neon yellow shines so brightly on the streets of European cites.
Of course, it is more than it looks. It fits perfectly to your body to eliminate the air resistance to the extreme.
A lot of people died because of necrosis. But it has got excellent sweat permeability. The suit is specially designed to keep any moisture out of your body.
Athletes will be immediately dehydrated and end up in the hospital. BASIC is the beloved brand among road racers who don’t give a damn about death! Wear BASIC and ride away to the road of Hell!

BE@RBRICK TM & © 2001-2018
MEDICOM TOY CORPORATION. All rights reserved.




The matcha tea bubbled in a flat tea cup. Under the eaves of the tea house, there was Jelly Bean. He was watching the wet grey cobblestone to dry up.

この町に着いてからしばらくが経ち、もう季節が変わろうとしている。夏。高揚感を伴う季節。 JBは夏に足を掬われないように、京の町で心を鎮める。彼は、派手な遊びや刺激的な出会いは、 人生において過ぎたるものだと考えている。それは、サーカスの熊が調教師にもらう角砂糖のように甘いだけのご褒美で、 檻から出た束の間の愉悦でしかない。今、口に含んだ抹茶のように、ほんのりと苦味の奥に伺える甘みこそが、 倖せの機微というものだ。薄っすら蒼く涼しげな色の茶碗を縁台に置いて、JBはまた、ぶらりと京の町をひとり往く。 誤魔化し、JBは窓の外の五重塔をぼんやりと眺め遣った。

It has been a while since he arrived here. Now time is changing. Summer comes. What a delightful season. Jelly Bean will not get fooled by the season. In the city of Kyoto, he is trying to find his inner peace. He thinks flashy parties and exciting encounters are too much for his life. They are sweet but no more than a cubic sugar that a circus bear gets from its trainer. They are pleasures but just for a brief moment when you were freed from the chained life. Now Jelly Bean sipped the matcha tea and realized only in the slight sweetness of this bitter fragrant taste can he find a blink of happiness. He put the tea cup down on the bench. Jelly Bean will stay in the city of Kyoto and stay idly and alone. Thinking himself and thinking this way, Jelly Bean laid back and stared at the five-story pagoda outside the window.

BE@RBRICK TM & © 2001-2018
MEDICOM TOY CORPORATION. All rights reserved.




PATTERN is an exquisite businessman
in a houndstooth check suit.

PATTERNは千鳥格子のスーツをまとった、ちょっと小粋なビジネスマン。 今日も摩天楼の狭間をせわしなく歩き回る。アスファルトの熱に晒され、 ビル風に煽られ、右へ左へ大忙しだ。熱中症もなんのその、 多くの契約を獲得するためにコンクリートジャングルを行くその姿は、さながら獲物を狙う都会の猛獣のよう。 ・・・にしても、さっきから全然建物に入りませんね。どうしたのでしょう。 目には涙を浮かべて・・・あ、迷子だったんだね。ダッサ。

Today as usual he is busy working in the cubes of the skyscraper. Walking around, he is exposed in the heat from the asphalt road and gets hit by the gusty building wind. Heatstroke, so what? He is aiming at getting more and more contracts. He is an urban beast getting around in a concrete jungle, searching for his prey. But wait. He hasn’t been in the building for a while at all. What is wrong? His tears are welling up… He is lost. That’s lame.

BE@RBRICK TM & © 2001-2018
MEDICOM TOY CORPORATION. All rights reserved.




FLAG runs a dairy farm
in the Balkans.

FLAG印の新鮮なチーズやヨーグルトは、ブルガリア国内のみならず世界中の食卓に届けられ、 たくさんの人に喜ばれている。ちょっとした有名ブランドだ。たまに他所の国のメディアから取材を受けることがあるが、 シャイなFLAGはインタビューに答えることが苦手なので、そのほとんどを簡単なジェスチャーで返答することにしている。 「あなたがFLAGさんですか?」首を横に振るFLAG。「あれー、おかしいな。取材のアポは取っているはずなのに・・・」 やむなく撤収する取材陣。おわかりだろうか。そう、ブルガリアのジェスチャーは、 首を横に振ると「イエス」・縦に振ると「ノー」なのである。そんなこんなで、 FLAG農場は未だ謎に包まれたままのミステリアスな場所として、世界のオカルトマニアにも微妙に人気を誇っている。結果オーライ。

FLAG made fresh cheese and yogurt are very popular inside and outside Bulgaria and are favored by many people. The brand is quite famous. Sometimes FLAG gets interviews from media overseas. But he is a shy person and never good at handling the media. So, he would just answer them with simple body language. “Are you FLAG?” FLAG would shake his head. “Wow, that’s strange. But we made an appointment for the interview…” The media could not do anything but to leave. But do you know? The gesture for “yes” in Bulgaria is to shake your head from side to side while the gesture for “no” is to shake it up and down. That is why FLAG’s farm is still a mysterious place and is popular especially among certain cult people. This was caused by misunderstanding but turns out to be alright.

BE@RBRICK TM & © 2001-2018
MEDICOM TOY CORPORATION. All rights reserved.



"Garfield" Character(s): ©︎ Paws.


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